So unlucky... and lucky at the same time
A new Sunday on the field. Javier and Daniel were not able to meet with us so we were flying with Alberto and Carles. Friday evening I changed the wiring of my Caracho aileron servo, so I thought the problem was fix. I was completely wrong, today the servo go on with shaking. Last test was to switch on an other JR radio like mine and servo was quiet and working OK. Next step will be to send my JR to Technical Department of JR in Europe :-( I'm lucky because my father had ordered a JR and some servos for my New Age but is stopped in Barcelona airport duty. So now I don't have radio and fuse servos for my New Age!!!!! Next week I have the first f3f contest of the year so I have two weeks to resolve my radio/servos problems. It's not a good beginning. At least my father let me make some flights with his Furio. Today I seized the opportunity to bring my NA to our field club (as soon he gets the felling with his trainig field easier to trim him :-P) and to make some photos with my father as model.