Stefan Eder has sent me some more accurate info about Tool:
"TOOL is made for F3B- but depending on the conditions and slopes it is also competing in F3F. my team-mate christian Fiedler flew TOOL at the F3F Viking Race 2006 !
For our team we went for no compromise: 1-piece wing ! but for serial production and shippment to cutomer it will be a 2-piece wing !!
Startair is official distributor and producer of the model ! TOOL is made with experience from CROSSFIRE. we wanted to test a new airfoil and v-tail. Model was flown by Andreas Kunz in F3B EuroTour 2006 with good success and the model has good potential...! it handles and launches very good.... airfoil has slightly more camber than Crossfire airfoil. Dimensions and geomtric is very similar to CROSSFIRE-V !