This is the rebirth of F3B at Home. Do you remember? After my experience as helper of the Spanish team in the F3B WC in Laappenranta I have decide to make a "relaunch" of F3B at Home. Maybe the new name should be F3B at Blog but I prefer to go on with the old name. So welcome to my blog!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Japanese nylon line
This summer in the f3b wc I met Mr. Yosihiro Kuirta, one of the pilots of the Japanese team. I bought two of their nylon lines (1.05 and 1.15) He told me that they were using during all that week the 1.05 one, also in windy conditions, so I decided to buy it. Very pleased with the tests I have ordered more. Mr. Kuirta explained me that Marco Lorenzoni is going to commercialize the japanese lines. Marco is going to test them before begin to sell them. I hope to get them in two weeks. I will inform you in some weeks.